What is Fiber?

by Jan 11, 2019Food and Beverage, Speaker Interview

Elizabeth Salvo, Director of Regulatory and Consulting Services, of ESHA Research is presenting at this year’s 6th Annual Food Labeling: Evolving Regulatory Compliance Conference taking place this January. The two-part module on fiber, including the sessions “Case Study: Scientific Definitions Around Fiber” and “Panel Discussion: Industry Impact of Fiber Modifications on Product Formulation,” dives deep into what defines fiber and what classifies fiber as beneficial.


Can you please give a brief description of your job title and what that entails?  


Elizabeth Salvo: I am the Director of Regulatory and Consulting Services and am in charge of the ESHA Training Center in Oak Brook, IL. My team is responsible for all of the software and regulatory training for all ESHA software products. In addition to training, my team is also responsible for the consulting side of our business. My team assists companies with label creation, review and formulation. We manage complete portfolios for companies as well as portfolios on a project-by-project basis.


Fiber quote graphic

Can you give a quick summary of your presentation?


ES: My presentation will review the current FDA definition of dietary fiber as well as which fibers are considered “beneficial.” In addition, we will review soluble and insoluble non-digestible carbohydrates (no longer considered “beneficial” fiber) and how to understand the differences between the two.


What are the 3 main takeaways you hope attendees learn from your presentation?


ES: I hope attendees learn the current FDA regulatory position on dietary fiber, ways to determine the difference between dietary fiber and non-digestible carbohydrates, and resources and tips on deciphering ingredient specifications relating to dietary fiber.


Learn about fiber definitions, and more timely topics in the food and beverage industry, at our food labeling event. Don’t forget to reserve your spot today!


Allison McIlvain is a Content Marketing Associate for Q1 Productions, where she is responsible for campaign planning, content development and executing marketing projects for the life sciences, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries.