The Value of Attending Our Programs

by Mar 3, 2020Blog

Q1 Productions offers exceptional programs in which we develop and deliver executive education to highly regulated industries. Whether it is a conference, forum or webinar, there is great value in attending one of our 50+ programs. Many companies may wonder if it is a good investment to send their employees to an event, therefore, we want to explain all of the benefits in taking part in one of our programs.


Executive Education in Highly Regulated Industries


As written in our slogan, we are truly dedicated to quality first. Our clients effectively make a positive impact on those facing health challenges by working through industry challenges to deliver safe and innovative products to market. Our events are built upon thoughtful industry research, so you can be sure that whoever is attending one of our programs will come back to your team with valuable insights to share.

This ties in with the next point.


Cost Effective Learning and Development


Companies spend a lot of money on learning and development for their employees. Executives know that successful conference appearances are a smart investment in developing their team. Don’t have a large budget to spend on developing each employee? Participating in a Q1 Productions program can save you money in the long run. Whether you send multiple employees, or only one, the knowledge and insights can be relayed back to your whole team. Our programs simply make it easy to scale the educational content that we provide.

However, our educational content is not the only value that we offer.


Productive Networking


Our conferences are not meant to just be informative. We strive to make our events as collaborative as possible by incorporating a variety of interactive sessions. Networking is important for every business and can be a very effective way to solve your procurement struggles. Another benefit is building quality relationships with industry peers. On the other hand, you can also gain insight on your competitors as you are actually able to discuss the topic at hand with other representatives from multiple companies. A great aspect of networking is hearing every different perspective on the topic. We all can benefit from working together to solve an intricate problem in the industry.


The Cultural Impact


If you happen to be sending multiple employees, or if you are attending an event with other coworkers this can be a great team building activity. There is more to these events than just the educational aspect. It is clear that teams that work well together will perform better for their companies than those who do not have a good work relationship. Attending an educational event allows team members to see each other in a different setting and collaborate with one another in different situations. This type of team building is priceless and something that can not be replicated in the office.


If you are on the fence about participating in one of our programs, hopefully these benefits encourage you to give it a shot. It is important to remember that these programs are a quality investment for your team members and company, and it will affect everyone in a positive way.


Brian Langowski is a Campaign Marketing Assistant for Q1 Productions, where he is responsible for lead research as well as assisting the team in executing and evaluating marketing deliverables.