The Evolution of Regulatory Intelligence Teams

by Oct 28, 2019Pharmaceutical

Linda Bowen is presenting at this year’s 2nd Annual Life Science Regulatory Intelligence, Strategy & Execution Conference. Preview insights into the industry and topics she will cover at the event below.


Can you please give a description of your job title and what your position entails?


I am the Head of Regulatory Policy and Intelligence at Seattle Genetics, an emerging multi-product, global biotechnology company that develops and commercializes transformative oncology therapies. Our team is responsible for monitoring and analyzing impacts on the evolving regulatory landscape, commenting, ad hoc requests and trade association/consortium oversight and participation.


What are some trends affecting the evolution of regulatory intelligence teams?

reg intel evolution post quote graphic


Although regulatory intelligence deliverables have not changed much over the last 15 years, how we curate and deliver them is changing. Where we once depended on paper, almost everything, if not everything, is now available electronically. Health Authorities have increased the transparency of their activities, which has meant more information for us to analyze. We were once dependent on tracking software, RSS feeds and email updates; we are now incorporating new technologies to help us monitor the environment.


How do you think regulatory intelligence teams will evolve in the future?


Regulatory intelligence teams are now, more than ever, strategic partners with multiple stakeholders within the company. The operational deliverables, such as newsletters, are being outsourced, which allows for deeper dives on issues important to the commercial regulatory teams. We tend to see the big picture and can update management on trends. Data analytics are playing a bigger part in what we do and what we deliver. Additionally, we are able to incorporate Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technology in our day-to-day work.


To hear more from Linda Bowen on regulatory intelligence teams and the evolution of the industry, save your spot for an upcoming Q1 Productions Life Science Regulatory Intelligence, Strategy & Execution Conference.


Allison McIlvain is a Content Marketing Associate for Q1 Productions, where she is responsible for campaign planning, content development and executing marketing projects for the life sciences, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries.