Producing MES Success
It's Easier Than You ThinkProducing MES Success
When considering implementing an automated pharmaceutical manufacturing solution, planning is crucial to shorter ROI periods and long-term success. Benchmarking this success means developing business objectives and goals for MES usage and testing. Without these objectives and milestones, MES implementation cannot be compared to pre-automated production and the production during the automated process. Before manufacturing experts gather next month, we wanted to gain an insider’s perspective on these objectives and MES alignment. To do this, we turned to Gilad Langer, Director of Automation & MIS at NNE, and key speaker at this year’s Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Execution Systems Conference. Dr. Langer explained that not only is this process crucial, but, with the correct guidance, it’s much easier than one might think.
Q1: What are some tips for companies looking to align business objectives with MES abilities?
The obvious thing to do is to understand what the business objectives are. Gather the site leadership and ask them what truly matter to them? Is it for example getting product out the door, time to market, right first time and how to they prioritize these against each other. Once the objectives are clearly articulated, and there is an agreement of their importance, it is easy to explain what MES “Capabilities” such as eBR, batch review, etc. are required to enable and support these objectives.
We need to understand the manufacturing site’s objectives and not misconstrue these with the technical system “objectives” which are actually requirements. Understand that they may and will be competing objectives and therefore it critical to prioritize these in relation to each other. The easiest way to solicit this information is in the context of an Enterprise Architecture development process so people understand why these are important.
Q1: How can IT integration enable successful objective alignment?
It is actually the other way around. IT capabilities and the integration of a system are only important if they directly support a business objective. That way there is high likelihood that investment in MES capabilities will impact the value adding process in a plant.
Q1: What are some tools that may promote reaching these objectives?
Business objective are the first element of an Enterprise Architecture that is the fundament for an MES application strategy. That is the ultimate tool to use.
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