Patient Centricity: Engaging Patients from Drug Development to Commercialization

Session Two: Pre-launch to Launch Commercial Efforts

This Q&A Podcast Comes From Our Three-Part Webinar Series.

Everywhere you turn, you hear about patient centricity. Healthcare consumers now have unprecedented access to information, and they expect their perspectives to be heard, respected and acted upon. How can biopharma listen to the experiences of customers and internalize them throughout the organization to create better products and services, better engagement and adherence, and relationships that last? The questions in this Q&A were submitted by attendees of the session one: Early Stage through Clinical Development

“Talking to patients directly can benefit the end user of the information because they may learn a different way of thinking about something based on what the patients are telling them.”

Session 1: Early Stage through Clinical Development (See Q&A here)
Session 1 focuses on early-stage drug through clinical drug development. How can biopharma create a seat at the table for patients and patient advocacy groups? Topics covered include:

  • When is the right time to bring in patients?
  • Patient impact on trial design
  • Examples
  • How to guide
  • Key compliance considerations
  • The long term impact of early relationship building

Session 2: Pre-launch to Launch Commercial Efforts 
Session 2 focuses on pre-launch through commercialization, digging into the strategic and operational elements that need to be in place to incorporate patients during this dynamic timeframe. Topics covered include:

  • Best practices for including patients in prelaunch and launch strategies
  • Two way relationships vs. traditional DTC push campaigns
  • Launch and pre-launch case studies
  • Patient relationships and insurers
  • The impact of technology on patient relationships; social media, mobile and other new channels
  • Metrics for patient programs – it can be done
  • Compliance in patient engagement activities

Session 3: Post Launch through Life Cycle Management
Session 3 focuses on post-launch through the life cycle management of products, looking at the long-term impact patient centricity can have on health outcomes and brand loyalty. Topics covered include:

  • Building strong long-term ongoing relationships
  • Long term impact on adherence
  • Expanding patient relationships into outcomes results
  • How to expand and connect your relationships for future products
  • What happens with relationships post-patent
  • Compliance over the long haul
  • How relationship building stands the test of time

Cheryl Lubbert
President, CEO, and Co-owner
Health Perspectives Group

Pam Garfield
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Innovation
Patient Health Perspectives

Jean McCoy
Senior Vice President, Strategy & Innovation
Health Advocacy Strategies

Participants that will find this webinar most beneficial will be those involved in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Job titles of attendees that will be most applicable for this session will be:

  • Patient Advocacy
  • Patient Education
  • Patient Communications