About the Product
Includes 1 hour and 10 minute Windows Media Video File and PowerPoint presentations for immediate download.
With ongoing healthcare reforms and payer budget cut-backs, reimbursement operations for innovative medical products in European countries are increasingly challenging for the medical device industry, leading executives to explore and identify new ways to obtain market access. The Swiss healthcare industry is well-funded and has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade due in part to government supported programs and advantageous tax incentives. Through this real life case study, participants will learn more about paths and pitfalls in obtaining medical device reimbursement in Switzerland and provide first-hand insight for obtaining product reimbursement in inpatient (DRG) and outpatient settings (FFS).
- Brief overview of Swiss healthcare environment and applicable device regulations
- Reimbursement pathways and pricing and payment systems
- Differentiating between inpatient and outpatient settings
Thomas J. Kuoni
Founder and Owner
Innovertas GmbH, Zug, Switzerland
Participants that will find this webinar most beneficial will be those involved in medical device and diagnostic companies. Job titles of attendees that will be most applicable for this session will be:
- Reimbursement
- Market Access
- Health Economics

Brooke Akins | Manager, Market Intelligence | 312.224.1693 webinars@q1productions.com
Q1 Productions
1 W Monroe St 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
T: +1 (312) 822-8100