16th Annual
IVD Clinical & Regulatory Affairs Conference
December 2022 | Chicago, IL
Optimize Submission Strategies to Secure Approval from Global Regulatory Authorities for Innovative & Existing Products
Program Overview
As global regulations change, IVD manufacturers must adapt to a vastly different regulatory environment. The swiftly approaching EU IVDR has created a challenge for regulatory and clinical affairs professionals in the diagnostic space, as companies must find harmony between the multitude of different regulations in the EU, UK, Switzerland, Canada, China, and the US. Additionally, cybersecurity breaches have become a major focal point for the diagnostic industry, as different countries have created new regulations to maintain cybersecurity standards. With quality case studies and panel discussions regarding global regulatory changes and compliance strategies, the 16th Annual IVD Clinical & Regulatory Affairs Conference will continue to deliver a first-in-class educational and networking platform for diagnostic regulatory and clinical affairs executives.
As we welcome you back to our in-person conferences and forums, we want to assure you that providing a safe and comfortable environment in which to learn is of paramount importance to us. For the safety of all attendees, Q1 Productions will follow COVID-19 protocols to comply with CDC guidelines, state and local regulations. To learn about Q1 Productions SAFEGUARD, please click here.
Countown to the 16th Annual IVD Clinical & Regulatory Affairs Conference:
Experience the Quality First Difference.

Learn from Industry Leaders
An exclusive experience with professional thought leaders provides you with direct insight into current solutions.

Keep up with Industry Trends
Learn through dynamic panel discussions, case studies and real world evidence on current topics directly related to your industry.

Exchange Ideas & Network
We provide a platform for your team to ask questions with experienced industry experts. The key to building your knowledge and seeing things from another perspective.

Find Solutions that Work for You
Insight and interaction are at the ready for you and your team. Collaborate with your peers, utilizing their insight and experience to accommodate your common challenges.
The Q1 Productions Event Experience
Are You a Solution Provider?
Reach out to us here.
Reach out to us with any questions.
Our team will respond promptly!

Chris Cockerell
Senior Event Manager
Q1 Productions
+1 (312) 224-8722