Proactively Developing Sales Leaders

by Mar 6, 2020Pharmaceutical

Q1 Productions conferences are designed to bring together leaders that contribute valuable insights and best practices on industry concerns. This year’s Pharmaceutical Sales Training program includes experts from academic and industry backgrounds, including Cindy La Forest. She is presenting a case study on ”Proactively Developing Sales Leaders From Within the Company through a 12-Month Program.” Learn more below.


Can you please give a brief description of your job title and what that entails?


I am Associate Director Sales Training and Development, Avanir Pharmaceuticals. My work includes creating and facilitating leadership development training, such as regional business manager on-boarding, regional business manager skills and high potential representative programs. I am extremely passionate about developing front-line leaders and high potential representatives.


Can you give a quick summary of the presentation?


The job of identifying high potential employees, developing them and preparing them to take on future leadership roles is not an easy task. All too often organizations wait until an employee is in the ‘leader” role to start developing them. This is too late. Starting this process earlier serves two people – your organization and the individuals who eventually report into these leaders. An organization’s overall success depends on developing and having great leaders.

In this session we will:

  • Discuss program structure, nomination criteria and selection process
  • Review competency selection and development of training content
  • Discuss program pull-through plan and employee development strategies


What are challenges trainers face when developing sales leaders?


Typically, organizations believe in the importance of investing in their sales leaders but with a lack of time and other organizational priorities, there is a gap in their leadership development programs. Other times they do not have the bandwidth to develop and lead these programs.


What are some main takeaways you hope attendees learn?


  1. Explore how a high potential development program can proactively grow your leaders from within.
  2. Implement a 12-month program: candidate selection process, competencies, structure and content.
  3. Outline the program pull-through and employee development strategies.


To learn more about developing sales leaders, increasing leadership support and much more, save your spot for the upcoming Pharmaceutical Sales Training event.


Allison McIlvain is a Content Marketing Associate for Q1 Productions, where she is responsible for campaign planning, content development and executing marketing projects for the life sciences, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries.