What are some best practices for advertising clean labels? How do customers perceive it?
We know that a cup of yogurt won’t change the world, but how we craft it might. That’s the basis for the transparency that guides what we say about our products in the marketplace. Our consumers and communities have come to expect our concern for the growing connection between what you eat, what you do, and how you feel. That’s why what we say about our products is meant to inform and inspire people to place health and wellness at the center of their lives.
How do Chobani’s labels differ from other industry leaders?
Different than most companies, Chobani has used a “recipe for better” since day one; we’ve been committed to using only natural, non-GMO ingredients in all of our products, and assuring more people have access to healthy and nutritious food choices. Our product labels, which we just refreshed, have an emotive new look that aligns with this amazing nutrient-dense food — a design that’s friendlier, accessible and bolder.
What do you think the food industry will look like in 5 or 10 years from a regulatory and labeling stand point?
Consumers are looking for food-focused wellness brands like ours. Understanding and recognizing consumer and customer values in labeling is key; that’s what is now driving the marketplace. Regulatory requirements for labeling will have to catch up, such as FDA adopting USDA’s decades-old definition of “natural”, which we subscribe to, and bringing the meaning of “healthy” in line with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans where healthy means foods, like Greek Yogurt, that promote healthy eating patterns. We hope it takes less than 5 years to accomplish these things.
What do you think companies should focus on during the evolving landscape?
Understanding what consumers are demanding and responding with delicious, nutritious, natural, and accessible food that applies values-based labeling is essential in today’s marketplace.