The Future of Healthcare

The Future of Healthcare

The Future of Healthcare: Embracing Patient Centricity in the Trump Administration Embracing Patient Centricity in the Trump Administration In recent years, a renewed focus on the patient has sparked many changes in the healthcare industry. Beyond treatment...

Low Cost Oncology Transition

Oncology Care: The Low Cost Transition Oncology Care:The Low-Cost Transition   In recent years, providers have added a renewed focus on the patient experience and overall care costs, in hopes to reduce the latter while improving the former. To successfully...

Digital Medical Affairs

How One Company is Redefining Scientific Exchange Scientific exchange is an integral part of the pre-launch phase for medical affairs. Traditionally, this information is deployed to thought leaders who can assist in providing science-driven product feedback. Now, as...

In the News

This Week’s Top Headlines FDA Approves First Severe MS Treatment Posted 3/29/17 The FDA has approved the first treatment for severe multiple sclerosis. The decision came Tuesday after clinical trials showed positive results when treating patients with both...