Find What Works For You

Find What Works For You

Find What Works For You Keeping Up with Technology in Stability Testing Technology is always changing. From new cell phones that help you connect to rockets that go out in to the universe. Technology empowers people to be innovative and create the best results....
Apple Launching Medical Clinics

Apple Launching Medical Clinics

Apple Launching Medical Clinics On the tails of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and J.P. Morgan announcing their joint effort to improve health care for their employees, Apple announces that they are launching a group of health clinics called AC Wellness this spring. Read...
Importance of Patient Centric Communication

Importance of Patient Centric Communication

The Importance of Patient Centric Communication In the healthcare industry, everything revolves around the patient. Hospitals are designed with patient care in mind. Medical professionals are focused on giving their patients the best treatment. Medical communication...