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3rd Annual

LIfe Science Digital Transformation Conference

July 2022 | Virtual Event

Optimizing digital transformation to effectively engage stakeholders & lead organizational shifts to achieve streamlined operations

Program Overview

Pharmaceutical and medical device digital transformation teams are at varied stages of digital shift, making expert perspectives from life science companies of all sizes invaluable. Participate in discussions on technology integration methodology, processes to measure outcomes, strategies to engage stakeholders and data integration/automation that provide the tools to pave the way toward optimized operations.

This program offers three half-day modules to maximize retention and engagement. Q1 Production’s premier event platform offers a refreshing and unparalleled virtual experience. Thoughtfully designed, customizable, networking features foster a sense of collaboration, discussion, allowing attendees to make direct connections. Explore the Virtual Event Guide & FAQ for insight into our dynamic event platform, including technical requirements, audio troubleshooting, detailed networking steps and more. Our mobile app, Q1 Events, mirrors onsite networking experiences so you stay connected.

Request an invite or call one of our representatives to learn what makes Q1 Productions events so different from other industry events. Learn more today!

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Experience the Quality First Difference.

Learn from Industry Leaders

An exclusive experience with professional thought leaders provides you with direct insight into current solutions.

Keep up with Industry Trends

Learn through dynamic panel discussions, case studies and real world evidence on current topics directly related to your industry.

Exchange Ideas & Network

We provide a platform for your team to ask questions with experienced industry experts. The key to building your knowledge and seeing things from another perspective.

Find Solutions that Work for You

Insight and interaction are at the ready for you and your team. Collaborate with your peers, utilizing their insight and experience to accommodate your common challenges.

“I enjoyed the event and thought there was great discussion amongst the attendees. Everyone was willing to share best practices with each other. I would definitely recommend this conference to my colleagues.”

The Q1 Productions Virtual Event Experience

Are You a Solution Provider?

Reach out to us here.

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Reach out to us with any questions.

Our team will respond promptly!

Rob Britt Photo
Rob Britt
Senior Event Manager
Q1 Productions
+1 (312) 224-8773
